It’s been exactly a year ago when I left Palau. I went there for a job opportunity, with so much hope and excitement only to be left devastated and disappointed after. My job responsibilities were not all known to me at first and later I found out that I have so many side duties not in line with my work. I was also struggling with my personal life. Everything was a mess and I’m in total confusion. Before, I thought life was either a yes or a no, but I realized it has many maybes. My values were compromised I don’t know where to draw the line anymore. It seems like I was in hell. I remember crying to God asking why do these things happened, Is it because I don’t listen to Him or I need to go through this to learn my lesson?

I believed that there is always a reason why we’ve been to a specific place, meet certain people and encountered  a particular situation. We are just exactly where we should be at that moment. And from this experience, I have learned that It is important to know yourself better, your beliefs and stand up for them. Because some people will come into your life and challenged them. Others will eventually hurt and betray you and talk about you behind your back, but it’s okay they were just acting like any other normal human being. Choose your company of people carefully, it will determine the kind of life you are going to live. In the process, I also discovered how immature I was in dealing with my adversities. I realized I have to take full responsibility of my life because no one else will. When you have failed or committed a mistake; accept it, say sorry, learn to forgive other people and most specially yourself, move on and never forget the lesson behind. Healing is a process, give yourself enough time. Always listen to your soul, It knows what it wants. Above all, hold on to your faith in God, He will always be your source of strength and comfort no matter what.

I went home after nine months, I am grateful to those people who genuinely cared and patiently listened. Especial mention is this guy, whom you will always see wandering at the main streets in Palau. When he is in his lucid interval, I tell him how I felt and to my surprise he gave me sensible advice. It is better to open up things with him, because he will eventually forgot about it and will never share my secrets to anyone.

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With my one and only relative in Palau.
With my only relative in Palau.
With my co-workers during my send off party.
With my co-workers during the send off party they organized for me.

On the other hand, I did enjoy my leisure time exploring Palau. As an island country located in the west of pacific ocean and part of the larger island group of Micronesia. It has many beautiful white sand beaches and had a spectacular view of sunset and sunrise in different areas. I have experienced snorkeling at KB Bridge and Riptide Beach (They have awesome view underwater), Island hoping at Rock Island, stargazing at T-Dock (I never saw such enormous stars in my life before), Hiking at Ngardmau Falls, Kayaking at Sam’s Tour, etc. It awakens my wanderlust and brought me to another place where i am right now which I definitely loved.

View from Elilai Restaurant.
View from Elilai Restaurant.
At Milky Way, Rock Island.
At Milky Way.
Sand Bar at Rock Island.
At Rock Island.
Sunset at Rock Island,
Sunset at Rock Island.
At Riptide Beach.
At Riptide Beach.
Another view of KB Bridge.
KB Bridge.
Crystal clear blue water at KB Bridge
Crystal clear water at KB Bridge
Awesome view underwater at KB Bridge.
Awesome view underwater at KB Bridge.
Snorkeling at KB Bridge
Snorkeling at KB Bridge
Sunset at KB Bridge.
Sunset at KB Bridge.
Sunset at Main St. near WCTC Shopping Center
Sunset at Main St. near WCTC Shopping Center
Sunrise at T-Dock.
Sunrise at T-Dock.
Ngardmau Falls.
Ngardmau Falls.
Sunset at Palau Pacific Resort.
Sunset at Palau Pacific Resort.
Practicing my photography skills.
I took this picture beside the road where I went jogging.
Their version of White House.
Their version of White House.

Looking back, I am filled with awe for everything that had happened to me in this place. Thank you for the sweet bitter memories Palau.