


May 2015

Mango Mousse

This is a family recipe and one of my favorite. It’s easy to do and takes only 30 mins. to prepare.


1 can condensed milk
500 ml thickened cream
350 g plain crackers
1 kl Mangoes

1. Mix the first two ingredients thoroughly.

2015-05-15 20.58.55 2. Crush the crackers.

2015-05-15 21.14.31 3. Cut the mangoes lengthwise.

2015-05-15 21.16.25 4. In a container, put first the crushed crackers as the base. Then pour the cream, and arrange the mangoes on top. Repeat the process until you fill in the container.

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5. Put in the freezer overnight or for at least 8 hours.

Enjoy eating!


You became a widow few days right after your 34th birthday. You raised me and my sister single-handedly and been through a lot of hardships and difficulties. You’ve struggled how to make both ends meet and I remember back then how you’ve always cried every time we visit Papa’s grave while I stood there staring at you and wondering why. I was just 5 yrs. old then and don’t have any idea how much pain you’ve felt losing papa. You have done a lot sacrifices for us your children. Maybe at some point you have already wanted to give up because without him, our lives will never be the same again. But thank you for being strong and holding on, because that was the only thing that I and my sister needed most at that time.

You’ve always been supportive of my endeavors and you’ve never given up on me. You are very patient with me and you remind me do the same to myself as well at times when I am being frustrated because things are not going my way. Your unconditional love has always been my source of strength. I am not afraid to fly and spread my wings because I am confident that the end of the day there is always that person who will accept me wholeheartedly despite my failures and brokenness.

You have also shown me an example on how to be kind, compassionate, and generous to others. Hence, I try my very best to become a better person because I have a mother like you whom I look up to. Lastly, you have faith that can move mountains and for this reason I am always grateful to God for having you as my mother.

Thank you Ma for everything and I love you so much with all your imperfections. Happy Mother’s Day to you and to all mothers out there!


29 Things I’ve learned in life

In celebration of my 29th year of existence, I want to share with you the following things I have Learned in life. Some of them I found out the hard way, others are just new realizations. While a few also are still struggling to be instilled in my belief system. Sometimes I even forgot about them until a certain situation would arise to test if indeed I have learned my lesson.

1. God’s love for me is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And it does not depend  on what I did or didn’t do.

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2. I owe everything from God. Without Him I am nothing.

3. People are more important than things. Value your family and true friends, because they will always be the person who will accept and love you unconditionally.

4. And speaking of People, you teach them how to treat you. So act accordingly.


5. Practice humility, it will do you good. You don’t have to brag yourself to other people. Praises will be given when credit is due.

6. Have compassion for other human beings, we all need that. Expecting less and accepting them as who they are makes life easier.

7. Who said life is fair? don’t whine, do something. Stop playing being the victim. Remember that you have the power within you to make things happen. The Universe knows what we need and has a vast of resources, we have to work hard and believed that we deserve those blessings.

8. Life is so short, it’s too precious to waste your time giving in to unnecessary thoughts and hating people. Let go of your grudges. Live and enjoy life. Do what makes you happy. Don’t take your self too seriously, allow space for some craziness in your life. Go ahead laugh, scream, cry, cry even more. Celebrate your humanness.

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9. Live for a cause, it makes life worth living. Find your passion, if you did you already served the purpose of your existence.

10. Learn to speak your truth, fight for what matters to you no matter what. You only have one life to live, make yours count.

11. When you failed or have committed a mistake; accept it, say sorry, learn to forgive other people and most specially yourself, move on and never forget the lesson behind. Take responsibility for your action, because no one else will (As mentioned in my previous article Palau: A Detour).


12. Never stop dreaming, learning and exploring places. It makes life exciting. Take risk, because a person who risk nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing and becomes nothing.. (Last part was quoted from Leo Buscaglia).

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13. Have your goals in life, it will give you something to look forward to. And remember to always set your priorities, time is running ahead of us.

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14. After exhausting all your energy to achieve a certain goal or dream and still nothing happens, learn to surrender to that powerful force called destiny. If things are really meant to be, it will happen at the right time.

15. Everything takes time. As the old adage goes “Beautiful things comes to those who wait”. So learn to wait. Patience really pays off.


16. Everything on earth is temporary, nothing really last forever. Change is the only permanent thing in this world. (Yeah I know it sounds cliche but a lot of people forget this oftentimes, including me. So I always have to remind myself about this).

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17. Invest, save, stick to your budget and never lived beyond your means. Give back 10% of your Income. Always count your blessings. It will do a lot of miracles in your life. Believe me.

18. Live in the present, it’s all there is. We cannot change the past and we certainly don’t have control over the future.

19. Give yourself time to reflect, keep a journal and write everything you had in mind. Discover your innermost desires and the things that makes you happy or sad. It is only by understanding ourselves better that we truly understand others and the world around us.


20. My Inner Being knows the answers to my questions, there lies the truth. I just need to listen and get attuned to it. We have a powerful soul that goes beyond the physical realm. Our intuition seldom goes wrong.

21. You are God’s wonderful creation. Embrace yourself with all your imperfections . There is only one you. Be You. Don’t allow other people’s opinion define who you are as a person. You are more than what they think you are.

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22. Listen to your body and take good care of it, nourish it, nurture it, respect it, and it will do the same to you in return.


23. Challenge and improve yourself continuously. There is so much potential in you. Discover it. You still have to reveal the better version of yourself.

24. Do unto others what you want others do unto you. The golden rule still applies.

25. It’s okay to say No. You don’t have to please everybody. Set your limits and speak your mind. (I’m learning this the hard way because sometimes i have the tendency to be a people pleaser).

26. Looking for that perfect partner? Try to develop the characteristics of that someone whom you are looking for instead. Maybe then you can find that imperfect person who will fits you perfectly.

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27. You can only love someone but you can not make them love you in return or love you the way you want to be loved, the rest is up to them.

28. Successful relationships are built, they don’t happen overnight. And it takes a lot of effort for both partners involved (this applies to all kinds of relationship).

29. Try to maintain a positive outlook in life and be flexible for any unexpected event. Life has full of surprises, we will never know what will happen next.

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My journey has a lot of ups and downs. Sometimes I wanna feel like giving up, sometimes I think I’m on the top of the world. Alongside with all my failures, successes, happiness and sorrow I would say I had the wonderful 29 years of my life!

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