Have you ever tried meditating, sitting still, eyes closed, freeing your mind from any thoughts and just feeling and listening to your breath as you inhale and exhale? My friends, it is the now! the present moment. When you start practicing this simple breathing meditation for 5 minutes every day you will find yourself more peaceful and relax. As days goes by you can increase it up to 10 to 15 minutes. It’s all up to you. The best time to do this is in the morning after you wake up, because your mind is still free from any worries of the day.

When we are feeling more peaceful and relax, we can think clearly and ideas will come naturally. We can easily get rid of any negative thoughts. Our positive vibration will rise; our intuition will become more apparent. We can feel our body become more active and alive. Our energy will increase. We will get more attuned with our inner being, our subconscious, the core of your existence, your soul.

We all have a wonderful soul, so beautiful and unique. And it is our duty to nourish, nurture and honor it. We are an infinite being with so much potential, limitless, powerful and divine. You can be anything you want to be. It’s all within our reach and devoting 5 minutes of our time everyday is a good start.