I love the place where I am currently based at, I am meeting a lot of wonderful people while also enjoying my solitude and I keep on discovering myself more everyday. I would never want this experience to end and to let those people go. But then I realized everything in life is passing. Those people, things or situation that makes you happy today, one day soon will become a source of your loneliness. The same thing also goes with the sadness you are experiencing right now, someday it will turn into a laughter.  You see nothing is permanent in this world.

Every relationship I have sooner or later will come to an end, my family and friends will go at some point in time, all material things will soon lost its value. Whatever I have physically is just a false perception of what society tells me who I am. It does not define me as a person, there is more meaning to life than that. Even my physical self will someday perish. But that doesn’t mean I need not to value them, I actually learn to appreciate them more and cherish each moment with them. I let them be who or what they are as of this moment. And when it’s time for them to go, I try to accept it wholeheartedly. I know it’s not an easy thing to do. It takes a lot of hard work, courage, healing and releasing to let go of all these things. In fact, I shed a lot of tears while having this realization. And at times I still find myself struggling to let go.

But there is freedom in letting go. And when everything is gone, nothing is left except my soul that is free from suffering of holding on to these things. The very core of my immortal existence, a benevolent being, so pure and divine. It is infinite and I can see it shining so bright surrounded by pure light in eternity. It’s home, loved and free! See you there my friends!