Hello My Friends I’m back!

I know it’s been a while. I was out there in the quagmire learning another profound and valuable lesson in life. And for some reason I couldn’t finish the articles I was trying to publish and it all ended up in my drafts section only. Now it’s time to be back on track.

I realized life is journey of learning a continuum lessons. Just when you thought you are already done with a particular lesson, you will again encounter similar situation. It’s like having Deja Vu, but this time its with a different set of people and even more intense to say the least. It seems that the Universe is trying to tell you that there is something more to learn, you are not yet finish with this. Dig deeper, look closer… Be more aware.. All right I get it, no I actually don’t! But I have no choice but to surrender to it, accept the challenge and embrace every feeling that comes out of it.

Here we go again.. Feeling the same kind of pain, frustrations and disappointments. But wait, something has change the way I perceived them. Sure I still cry bucket of tears, I was angry and hurt. But I choose to forgive easily even though I struggled at first. And it doesn’t mean I have forgotten everything, I just learn to accept wholeheartedly whatever happens. That instead of harboring bitterness I learn to forgive the other person and especially myself. We all commit mistakes and have also hurt people at some point in our lives. It’s part of our journey.

I have also learned that you can only accept and love other people to the extent that you accept and love yourself. And that how you allow others to treat you or how you treat other people is the exact reflection of how you treat yourself. If you tolerate disrespect from others, there is an aspect of yourself that you don’t value. If you are short-tempered and find it hard to forgive, you are also impatient and unforgiving with yourself. If you are intentionally hurting other people, part of you is still wounded and needs healing. You cannot be at peace with the world if you are not at peace with yourself. On the other hand, if you are caring and affectionate with others you also feel the same way towards yourself. However it is important to set boundaries, you just cannot go out there be welcoming and giving out your unconditional love to everyone. It’s being naive and you will end up bruised and used. Love somehow has to have its own conditions. Though it also needs to be free, you let it spread its wings and fly. It’s about finding the right balance.

I also believe that every person who come to our life has a purpose. They mirror every aspect of ourselves that we either accept or deny and needs to be changed or improved. They are the best teachers whom the Universe has sent for us to learn our lesson. It’s either we turn our back away from them or face the challenges they present. And to truly experience everything we should be aware of the present moment. Stay focus, don’t let your past mistakes or future hopes and dreams influence the current situation. So that we can do things differently this time and really get the wisdom behind.

And when its over.. Let us be grateful for the lessons they bring and wish them well.. Let go and move on to the next set of adventure.. hopefully this time it will be different… Who knows? Just keep learning anyway… That’s Life.