This is a continuation of my previous article Spiritual Awakening (Part I)

It was in this place that I have so many realizations in life. I realized that I became somebody people told me who I am. And all my life I was holding on to their idea and would do anything to protect that image of myself that my ego created. I was not true to myself and hated myself for not being the real me. It was then that I actually started to ask if who I really was, what I wanted in life and what is the purpose of my existence. I question and examine all the beliefs I had with myself, with the people around me, with the society and with the religion I grew up with. My entire perspective changes, suddenly I found myself letting go of the attachments I had with material things, people or beliefs that are no longer relevant to me, at times I’m still struggling and learning from it. I came face to face with so many issues I had with myself, starting from childhood until I grew up as an adult. It was not easy and I am trying to heal from it slowly. (I described it in my article What a Journey)

My dreams are becoming bizarre that sometimes I think I am no longer dreaming anymore but rather I am traveling outside of my body. I also begun to notice the synchronicities that are happening around me. My sensitivities to energy became more potent and I can feel this energy entering at the top of my head and run all throughout my body. I became aware of this conscious presence that has been with me all throughout the ages. It is eternal, limitless and indestructible by the ebb and flow of life. Being one with it felt so peaceful and blissful, that even if I imagine a bomb will drop in front of me I wouldn’t be affected at all. I never felt so much love before. I also saw the oneness of everything with the Universe. That whatever you do to others or to yourself will also influence everything around you. There is no separation, everything is interconnected and love is the only thing that bounds everything on our planet.

This whole experience made me wonder what was going on with me. I research about it and discovered that what I have been going through is a sign of having “Spiritual Awakening”. I also found out that aside from being an energy sensitive person I have also the qualities of an “Empath”. That’s why I have the tendency to absorb other people’s emotion around me and sometimes labeled them as my own which confuses me emotionally.

My Spiritual Awakening changes my life, It made me aware of the things that I need to focus more. I became conscious of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. I start meditating almost everyday and became more conscious with my eating habit. I also created my blog in order to share my experiences with other people.

My journey has taken me to some twist and turns in life and I am aware that this is just the beginning. There is so much more to learn, discover and experience. Internally I am still struggling with all my issues and I know there are lots of changes to be made. The irony of it all was that, when I turned my attention inward I was able to fully understand the world around me. What was going on outside of me was only a manifestation of the things that were actually happening inside of me. Within me exist a very integral part of the cosmos that also affects the entire flow of the Universe. If I am committed to walk my path and be truly align with my purpose somehow I am making a difference not only for my self alone but for the collective consciousness as a whole.

How about you have you experience the same? I would love to hear from you. Kindly comment below.