I am an empath and it was just recently that I had a deep understanding on how it could affect my personal relationship with people and humanity as a whole. First let me define what an empath is, it means being able to absorb and feel exactly the emotions of certain people or places whom you interact with or where you’ve been to. And sometimes you may even get affected by the energy of the collective consciousness of the planet when something going on has a great impact on human kind. For example when you meet someone who is experiencing deep sadness he/she may not show it but you can feel his/her emotion of sadness and if you are unaware, you will take that emotion as your own and feel confused why you suddenly feel very sad for no reason at all. Or you may not feel better when you visited some places filled with negative emotions or came in contact with things that possesses negative energy (yes things has energy too, everything is made up of energy).

One time a friend of mine was talking about a bad experience she had with someone, I felt how deeply it affected her. And instead of her crying it was me who can’t contain my tears. I also meet someone for the first time and I can sense this strong feeling of infidelity which confuses me, later on he revealed that he cheated with his wife before. Another instance, just more than a year ago there was an stampede that happened on The Bund in Shanghai during the 2015 New Year’s Celebration where several people lost their lives. I went there a few days after it happened. And when I was standing at exactly the same spot where the incident happened, I suddenly felt like I’m choking up, I couldn’t breath, my chest felt so heavy and tears rolled down my cheeks. Back then I thought it was very strange. In retrospect I realized that I absorbed the emotions of the people who suffered in that stampede. Also just recently during the week long Chinese New Year Holiday (I am currently living in China) until Valentine’s Day I just felt this intense loneliness and fear, it seems like I am not my usual self. I was upset and sometimes became very emotional. I had a knowing that something is going on. Then I read an article about the energy shifts that are currently happening within our planet and causing fear for a lot of people and how it could directly affect empaths. And also there is a possibility that they would absorb the feeling of loneliness of the collective consciousness while celebrating national holidays like Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Day, etc. Suddenly what I’m going through just made sense. Sometimes  also I cannot handle watching some news or movies showing cruelty, it just upsets me. On the other hand, when I am surrounded with happy people or I’m in a place filled with positive energy especially with nature, it brings me so much peace and joy. I could go on and on with lots of stories I had regarding my experience as an empath but I need to stop from here.

We are labeled as too sensitive because it’s different from “knowing” that a person is suffering from actually “feeling” his suffering. However we are an excellent judge of character. That’s why I find it hard to express myself when I am with other people especially with strangers or new acquaintances because there are so many things going on inside of me. Imagine having this “feeling” that that someone smiling next to you is just pretending to be happy but in reality she is lonely, while the other one on your left who talks a lot, felt so empty and craving for attention and the fellow at your back is also an empath, he is quiet but you can feel his strong energy. I cannot seem to handle it all at once and I just want to shut down and wish I’m at planet Mars, alone and surrounded by sand domes instead of people. I am oftentimes perceived as reserved or shy, I don’t talk much and have the tendency to be passive, people pleaser and hard to set boundaries with others. I don’t want to rock the boat, since I can feel the disharmonious energy not only in a superficial level but also in a very deep sense. Oftentimes I always find myself saying yes to other people’s request even though it means saying no to myself, since I can “feel” that they really needed my help and it will make them happy. But I am completely aware that being an empath and not to mention also my upbringing and issues (as described in my article What A Journey) are not an excuse for such a behavior. I am working on it right now.

Being an empath is a double edged sword. It’s a gift but it is also considered as a curse for some who are unable to handle it. When you find yourself in an overwhelming situation, it is important to remain centered and focus with your breathing so that you will not get carried away with the emotions around you. Learn to identify which energies doesn’t belong to yours, don’t resist it, acknowledge them. Breath in to them and imagine this loving energy within you, giving light unto them and transmuting it into a positive one, then breath it out completely. It is an opportunity to help and heal humanity. But first you need to heal and protect yourself also. Setting boundaries, learning to say no, working on your issues and spending some quiet time alone preferably in nature meditating and grounding yourself helps a lot.

It is during these times that empaths are needed to help heal the collective consciousness of our planet. I often belittle my capacity as an empath and question its value.. But now I am grateful and glad to share my gift in my own little way, without giving too much and destroying myself in the process. Imagine when all empaths will utilize their gifts for the good of humanity. I can see the earth illuminating and feel its energy becoming more vibrant!

Does being an empath resonates with you? Kindly comment below.