As an Empath who have the tendency to absorb everyone’s emotion around me or those people whom I have connection with even when they are not physically present and take them as my own. I always find it hard to say no to people and turn my back away from them.  I used to believe that it is my responsibility to keep everyone happy. Because despite the smile that people put up on their faces I can still feel their broken heart and wounded soul. I cannot tell you enough how much it hurts me and how I wanted to help fix their issues and be there for them. No wonder I value every connection I had.

Recently I reconnected with an ex who just loss his loved one, I feel his grief and even cried for him. But he is still insisting that l cannot move on from our past and that’s the reason why I am still single. I cannot convince him that it’s not true anymore and I give up explaining. I realized as long as I know my truth I don’t need to prove it to people, the truth will reveal itself. I wish him healing from his grief and stop connecting with him.

Lately also I was there for a friend whom I feel he needed help even though he doesn’t ask for it. I feel his pain, physically and emotionally and I hope I can make them all disappear in an instant. But being with him makes things complicated for me; it just doesn’t feel right anymore. I have to walk away from that connection and wish him well.

Some friends also will connect with me through social media and ask how my life is going on. But I can sense that they don’t really mean it, either they just wanted something from me or know something about me so that they can made a direct remark or talk about it behind my back. I have to unfriend or unfollow them; I want a genuine connection not a superficial one and I don’t need to see their post and status either.

There are many instances in my life that I hold on to people dearly. Either they are my friends, relatives, former colleagues, special someone, etc. I always wanted to help, say yes to their request and please them. And it breaks my heart losing those connections. But I realized there are some people we need to cut off from our lives temporarily or permanently not because they are bad or that they are wrong but their frequency just doesn’t match with ours as of the moment and it creates disharmonious energy around us. We are Energy Beings, first and foremost it is our responsibility to protect and nourish ourselves. It’s okay to say No and walk away. Because It’s only when we are coming from a safe, loving and balanced space that we can genuinely help and love other people without hurting and losing ourselves in the process. You see its win-win; nobody needs to loss or suffer.

With love,
