The year is almost over and so is my stay in Shanghai. I will be moving to another place in China at the end of this year or early next year. It’s not my choice but I have to, because of some circumstances in my work. I know things are changing soon, but fear keeps me from moving on and I wanted to hold on a little longer.

I had an amazing two years experience in this place, where I had my spiritual awakening and met with like-minded people whom some of them were part of my soul group and they taught me a very valuable and unforgettable lessons in life. I had a hard time letting go of them and since I’m fully aware that I only had few remaining time left, I want to spend it with them as often as I can. My ego also expect the same from them, I wanted them to tell me that they don’t want to see me go and that we should make most of every moment. I want to create some drama with me leaving them. But the truth is, for them life goes on with or without me. Now I’ve learned rather how to appreciate every minute I spend with them and give them my 100% attention. I let them be them without any expectations from my side or any agenda to change them, I’m just being grateful for their presence. I also try to say things I really want to say.

Thank you all for being part of my journey. However brief our encounter maybe and whatever the reason is I will always treasure it. Forgive me for my frailties; I tried to do my best in each given situation while I was with you. I will take with me the lessons you have taught me and use it as a fuel to improve my life and become a much better person. I have to accept the fact that everything in life is passing. Everything changes, and with change comes another possibility. Another possible encounter, another lesson with another people.

So I guess this is it.

Farewell to all my friends in Shanghai…Until we meet again!

