I visited a Science Museum last Sunday and there was a section of crystals and precious minerals in display which are still in their raw form. It was the first time I saw a diamond unpolished and still attached to a rock. It requires a magnifying glass to clearly see this precious gem and to be honest I didn’t appreciate what I saw. Then I think about it, if I saw that rock with diamond attached to it in a nearby road or mountain or somewhere else outside the museum where it has no label, I would surely ignore it and go on with my life unaware that I just came across a treasure worth a thousand dollar. Simply because I didn’t know its value and obviously it doesn’t look like one.

I would like to believe that in each of us lays that form of treasure which represents our soul or real self that we fail to appreciate because of our attachments to our ego, people, material things, beliefs or society’s conditioning. That treasure shines its self from time to time when we are doing things that make our heart sing or when we are with people who appreciate our value and we feel great being with them. And also when we are being true to ourselves and living an authentic life. We polish it when we are doing our inner work, we face our shadow self and heal and release our repressed emotions, wounds, trauma and heartaches and we let go of our attachments. I am aware it’s not an easy thing to do, as it requires great effort, patience and determination on our part and we are all a work in progress and we may fail every now and then. But it is our duty to let our true self shine for other people to see our brightness and in turn inspires them to polish their own treasure too and shine. Wouldn’t it be an amazing place to live when everyone walking in this planet knows their worth and they are holding their treasure bright?

Lastly let us not forget to appreciate each people whom we met in our lives; they all possess that worthiness within them. Yes sometimes it’s very challenging to see that in them especially those that make our lives difficult. But we are all created from the same kind of love and consciousness coming from our Divine Source. We all have that spark of Divinity within us regardless of our race or religion; we are all precious and worthy.

My friends may your treasure shine bright more this 2017!

With Love,
