Before the spring Equinox I had my 3 day water fast again, as mentioned in my previous post that I commit myself to do this four times a year every time the season change. I felt great after this, I had more vivid dreams and visions appear in my meditation. I was having an awakening again, the energy entering in my body was so strong especially in my crown chakra and it makes me shake at night when I’m already laying in bed and I also have a series of headache and palpitations. I felt light and so full of bliss. Everything seems fresh and vibrating, the plants, flowers, sky and even the people around me.

Then came the difficult part I have to face after this experience. I had to let go of things that doesn’t serve me anymore. Which includes the limited beliefs I had that hinders me from realizing my potential, unhealthy eating habits, negative self talk, playing small and other self destructive habits.  This also includes people, places and material things that I’m holding on tightly but are no longer needed in my journey.  I have to let go of the old in order to make place for the new, so that change may happen and for my soul to grow and evolve.

But it keeps me out of balance because I am the type of person who hates change. Just like a child who stubbornly refuses to get out in a tub, I found myself kicking and screaming until I have no choice because there is a greater force that grabs me away from there. Yet sometimes I still manage to sneak and dip my toe in the water again but this time there is an increasing awareness that I need to get out of there quickly. Sometimes I follow that awareness, sometimes I don’t and even stayed longer.

This is the path I am right now; the energy of spring brings with us fresh start. Just like the flowers that bloom and plants that sprung this season. We have to grow, expand and show the world our true essence and potential. But it only happens when we embrace change and make room for new beginnings.

Are you ready my friends? Enjoy the spring, and don’t forget to smell the flowers!