It’s Valentine’s Day! And I want to share with you my dear readers my perspective about love.

In the past, I haven’t fully grasped the true meaning of love. I have mistaken a longing for self acceptance as a yearning for love. I was lacking in self-confidence and was very insecure. I was looking for validation in every person I’ve met; as a result, I settled for less and compromised my true self. In addition, I have also an issue regarding losing my father at an early age. He is someone who should have shown me an example on how to be loved and how to be treated properly by the members of the opposite sex. Thus, this further complicates my search for self validation.

It was not until that I had been severely wounded that I realized I was looking for love in the wrong places. I was missing a piece of me and was replacing it with the attention that I was receiving from people close to me. Hence, I was needy and dependent with them, I always keep a score card. My so called “love” comes with lots of condition because I impose that they should reciprocate what I have given them .

Then it occurs to me that in every relationship either it’s platonic or romantic, love should not be forced. It should be given freely and without conditions. I believe this is only possible when both persons have learned how to accept themselves fully. If they are willing do some self exploration and self reflection. And have found the love that they are looking for within them.

As for me, this has not been an easy journey. I have stumbled upon layers of self doubt, self criticism and negativity but I have learned be at peace with them. I have been in this journey for a long time and sure I am still struggling at times. I am getting there slowly one day at a time, I have gradually accepted myself for who I really am including the good, the bad, and the ugly.

So today I ask you to please don’t let this day pass by without telling that person in front of the mirror how much he/she means to you. You are the missing piece, your own true hero and one great love.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I love you all! Let us spread the love!!!